研究领域: 射频电路和机器学习
联络: 施老师 (tshih@uidaho.edu)
To prospective Ph.D. students:
If you are interested in joining my research group, please apply to the ECE Ph.D. program at the University of Idaho and indicate that you are interested in working with the Shih group in your application package. Please also send me an email (tshih@uidaho.edu) with your CV, research interests, and a short description of your research background (e.g. projects you've worked on, relevant classes you've taken, software that you are familiar with, your technical skills, etc.). Please include “Prospective Ph.D. Student” in the subject line of your email. I will review your files carefully and consider you for any position that may be open.
To prospective postdocs:
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the area of machine learning and/or RF circuits. Term length would be 12 to 36 months. We are particularly interested in independent and self-motivated individuals who work well both individually and as part of a larger team. If you are interested in this position, please email me (tshih@uidaho.edu) your latest CV with the names and contact information of at least three references.
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